Menjadi seorang sahabat yang menaruh kasih setiap saat, dan menjadi saudara yang sesungguhnya dalam masa sulit.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Pertama didirikan pada tahun 1985 oleh Dave Broos di kota Bandung untuk mengakomodasikan hobi bersahabat pena yang sangat populer saat itu. Di mana klub ini dimulai olehnya dengan beberapa teman sahabat pena di Indonesia dan Belanda hingga lalu berkembang menjadi sebuah klub sahpen dengan ribuan anggota dan berasal dari ratusan negara yang ada di dunia.
Salah satu misi dari Friendship Among Nations (FAN), saat itu adalah bukan saja menjadikan klub sah-pen ini sebagai ajang persahabatan atau ada pula yang menjadikannya sebagai tempat mencari jodoh, tetapi juga sebagai media perdamaian antar bangsa, negara, agama, jenjang sosial maupun pendidikan. FAN berupaya menjembatani perbedaan yang ada dengan saling menghargai dan mencintai perbedaan sebagai sebuah maha karya dari Sang Pencipta. Bisa dibayangkan bila seisi bumi semua orang nampak seragam baik cara pandangnya, penampilannya, berbicaranya dan seterusnya…betapa membosankannya dunia ini.
Setelah hampir satu dasawarsa FAN mati suri akibat kesibukan pendiri maupun para aktivis/relawan masing-masing. Kini FAN kembali dengan wajah baru untuk menyuarakan kembali misi persahabatan dan perdamaian antar bangsa. Pada tahun 2010 ini, kami telah mengadakan pertemuan kembali bersama di Food Court Pelangi di Jl. Lengkong Kecil, Bandung. Pertemuan yang non formil dihadiri oleh para “gegedug” FAN; Dave Broos, Vicktor Widjaya dan Dewi Sulistiani (sedang Jujun dan Yanti S berhalangan hadir sebab ada pelatihan/tugas dari instansi masing-masing). Sedang rekan-rekan yang lain masih kami cari kembali. Kami harus mengucapkan terimakasih pada Facebook, yang mempertemukan kami kembali setelah lama sekali tak bersua. Ada sedikit pergeseran dari dunia “pena” ke dunia “maya”.
Kami membicarakan kembali apa yang dapat kami lakukan secara korporat untuk membawa misi persahabatan, perdamaian dan menjadi berkah bagi setiap kota yang kami tinggali dengan membuka layanan sosial, pendidikan, usaha mikro, gerakan Go Green, gerakan anti narkoba, alkohol & tembakau, gerakan Pro Life, against trafficking, dll.
Kami pun tengah membicarakan pengembangan FAN dengan membuat situs jejaring sosial dan majalah atau buletin, baik secara fisik maupun e-book.
Pada perkembangannya ke masa yang akan datang apakah yang akan terjadi, kami belum tahu. Kami mau mengalir di bawah pimpinan Sang Pencipta untuk tidak menyia-nyiakan hidup kami selama hayat masih ada dalam tubuh kami untuk membuat dunia ini menjadi lebih baik melalui perdamaian, persahabatan dan melakukan “the good fight” menegakkan kebaikan dan keadilan di tengah masyarakat yang terkontaminasi dengan keserakahan dan keegoisan.
Hal yang pasti adalah kami mau pertama-tama hidup dalam perdamaian dan saling mengasihi dan menerima satu sama lain walaupun kami berbeda. Memandang perbedaan sebagai sesuatu yang indah dan maha karya Sang Pencipta.
Kesedihan melihat bangsa ini diporakporandakan oleh segelintir orang yang mementingkan dirinya atau kelompoknya saja hingga bangsa yang dahulu dikenal sebagai bangsa yang ramah kini menjadi bangsa yang pemarah. Ketika agama satu mulai beradu dengan agama yang lain, ketika suku yang satu mulai memerangi suku yang lain, ketika kebencian terhadap etnis atau bangsa tertentu muncul, ketika orang miskin hidup bertambah susah, anak-anak kurang gizi, anak-anak putus sekolah atau kuliah, meningkatnya pengangguran, perusakan lingkungan (alam) secara besar-besaran, pembodohan masyarakat bawah terjadi…..mau kemana bangsa ini?? Dimanakah para pejuang keadilan? Dimanakah orang yang tulus ingin membangun bangsa ini? Apakah semua hanya memikirkan keuntungan diri sendiri dan keluarganya, sudah sekorup itukah bangsa ini?
Saya percaya masih ada orang-orang yang memiliki integritas dalam bangsa ini untuk kembali membangun bangsa ini menuju Indonesia yang damai dan sejahtera. Dan itu harus dimulai dari diri kita sendiri dan keluarga kita.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
King of The Castle
King of The Castle
In English we have this little rhyme that we used to sing as kids. It went something like this:
I am the king of the castle
and you're the dirty rascal!
On and on we would sing it, standing on the tallest stone or wall we could find. Even as children there was something special about being the king or queen. About being treated with admiration and respect. The day you got married, you took a place of royalty in your home. You became the queen and your husband became the king.
Have you caught yourself wishing that your husband would treat you like a queen? Then how about treating him like the king of his home? Take something really practical. Think about the last time that your husband was not feeling well. Perhaps he was tired. Perhaps he had a cold or maybe he just had a headache. How did you treat him? Did you treat him like a king? Or did you tell him to fetch his own medication and go lie down?
You know we are the ones to have the babies and the Lord has built this ability in us to be able to handle certain things better than men. We handle pain better. We handle the smell of dirty diapers better. But men are different! It is true that if men were the ones to have babies...we would NEVER have to worry about a population problem in the world. Men are strong, but when it comes to being sick, you once again see the child come out that desires to be treated with love and "mothered" a little.
Now if you know all the GMRN teachings and principles, you could preach right back at me. You could say that he should not need anyone but the Lord. You could tell me that he needs to get his faith up. You might even run around looking for curses. Yet while you do all these things, you forget to fulfill your role as the wife in your home and to treat your husband with love and respect. You let him seek the Lord for himself, while you meet his other needs.
Before you start to preach, cook some soup, get an extra blanket, give him a cuddle and ask him how he feels. A little bit of tenderness goes a long way and will get better results than, "You need to have faith...stop moaning...get up and go to work!"
In the book of Esther we see how Vashti was banned from the King's presence because she did not give him the honor he deserved as king. As a result he found a queen that did respect and honor him. A wife that pleased him! Esther was such a queen. Giving her husband the admiration he deserved.
Do you want to be treated like a queen?
Then its time to make YOUR man the King of His Castle!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Women and The Giving of Gifts
Women and The Giving of Gifts
Ezekiel 16:12 And I put a jewel on your forehead, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head.
13 Thus were you decked with gold and silver; and your raiment [was of] fine linen, and silk, and embroidered work; you ate fine flour, and honey, and oil: and you were exceeding beautiful, and you did prosper into a kingdom.
14 And your renown went forth among the heathen for your beauty: for it [was] perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon you, says the Lord GOD. (GMRV)
If you have children you know that there are three basic things that they love. The first is candy. The second is ice-cream. And the third thing they absolutely love is getting gifts!
I think that there is a little girl inside every woman that is waiting for candy, ice-cream and gifts, even though her childhood is long past. Men are often not much different, but women in particular have this inner hunger for romance that gift-giving just makes possible.
But this can become quite a touchy subject. There have been many marital argument about gifts. As a man, just give the wrong gift to your wife and you can get the ‘cold shoulder’ for a week! Why are women so picky? Why is it so hard to please them?
Well let me help you out a bit with a few secrets that we women share. The joy of a gift for a woman is not in the practicality, the size or even the shape of the gift, but rather the ROMANCE of the gift. When a man gives a woman a gift, that woman is looking for the meaning in the gift.
Now I know if you are a man, that might sound like the most ridiculous thing you ever heard. But never forget this fact: WOMEN DO NOT THINK LIKE MEN!
So if your wife loves to paint or do crafts, but you give her a vacuum cleaner for her birthday, what message is she going to think you are giving her? This is NOT a very romantic message at all.
I wish that I could tell you the most perfect gift to give any woman, but amongst flowers, chocolate and jewelry (which are always a good start) each woman is different. They want to know that their man has discovered their secret desires and picked something out just for them! They want the romance and the childish excitement that gift-giving brings.
Finding out your wife’s desires is pretty easy. You can just ASK her! Why not take time this evening and ask your wife this very simple question:
“What kind of special gifts could I give you as your husband to make you the happiest women in the world? What gifts would you really like to receive from me?”
Do not be surprised to hear her express desires that you did not know she had! Encourage her to talk about the gifts you have given her in the past and what she thought about them.
You might come to find that it was not always the expensive gifts that were the most treasured, but the special ones. Are you ready to hear the truth from your wife? I sure hope so, because this is a subject you can both share about and be honest about.
Talk about the gifts you received that meant the most to you, and also share your disappointments. Not only will you get to know each other better, but gift-giving will turn into something that is fun and enjoyable for you both, instead of an obligation!
Try it. Sweep your wife off her feet and romance her just like Christ romances us! How does He romance us? By giving us the desires we do not deserve, and by enjoying seeing us receive them. If Jesus loves to give to His bride in this way, then you can become the image of Christ to your wife in gift-giving too!
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