Friday, June 11, 2010

Women and The Giving of Gifts

Women and The Giving of Gifts

Ezekiel 16:12 And I put a jewel on your forehead, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head.

13 Thus were you decked with gold and silver; and your raiment [was of] fine linen, and silk, and embroidered work; you ate fine flour, and honey, and oil: and you were exceeding beautiful, and you did prosper into a kingdom.

14 And your renown went forth among the heathen for your beauty: for it [was] perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon you, says the Lord GOD. (GMRV)

If you have children you know that there are three basic things that they love. The first is candy. The second is ice-cream. And the third thing they absolutely love is getting gifts!

I think that there is a little girl inside every woman that is waiting for candy, ice-cream and gifts, even though her childhood is long past. Men are often not much different, but women in particular have this inner hunger for romance that gift-giving just makes possible.

But this can become quite a touchy subject. There have been many marital argument about gifts. As a man, just give the wrong gift to your wife and you can get the ‘cold shoulder’ for a week! Why are women so picky? Why is it so hard to please them?

Well let me help you out a bit with a few secrets that we women share. The joy of a gift for a woman is not in the practicality, the size or even the shape of the gift, but rather the ROMANCE of the gift. When a man gives a woman a gift, that woman is looking for the meaning in the gift.

Now I know if you are a man, that might sound like the most ridiculous thing you ever heard. But never forget this fact: WOMEN DO NOT THINK LIKE MEN!

So if your wife loves to paint or do crafts, but you give her a vacuum cleaner for her birthday, what message is she going to think you are giving her? This is NOT a very romantic message at all.

I wish that I could tell you the most perfect gift to give any woman, but amongst flowers, chocolate and jewelry (which are always a good start) each woman is different. They want to know that their man has discovered their secret desires and picked something out just for them! They want the romance and the childish excitement that gift-giving brings.

Finding out your wife’s desires is pretty easy. You can just ASK her! Why not take time this evening and ask your wife this very simple question:

“What kind of special gifts could I give you as your husband to make you the happiest women in the world? What gifts would you really like to receive from me?”

Do not be surprised to hear her express desires that you did not know she had! Encourage her to talk about the gifts you have given her in the past and what she thought about them.

You might come to find that it was not always the expensive gifts that were the most treasured, but the special ones. Are you ready to hear the truth from your wife? I sure hope so, because this is a subject you can both share about and be honest about.

Talk about the gifts you received that meant the most to you, and also share your disappointments. Not only will you get to know each other better, but gift-giving will turn into something that is fun and enjoyable for you both, instead of an obligation!

Try it. Sweep your wife off her feet and romance her just like Christ romances us! How does He romance us? By giving us the desires we do not deserve, and by enjoying seeing us receive them. If Jesus loves to give to His bride in this way, then you can become the image of Christ to your wife in gift-giving too!

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