T’is the night before turkey ...
By John Williams Comments 0
Published: November 25, 2009
It’s the day before Thanksgiving and all through the house,
The cat is whining from its room to be let out.
I stirred from my bed to go open the door,
MultimediaPhotoview all photos Only to tripped by the tabby and fall to the floor.
"It’s Thanksgiving Eve,” I think to myself,
And I dream of the goodies that sit on the shelves.
Pies and cake and stuffing I crave,
But there is work yet to do, so I’m off to go shave.
Yet visions of drumsticks and sliced ham still dance in my head,
And green beans and cranberries and hot buttered bread.
So while my wife is sleeping, to the fridge I do sneak,
Just to open the door to have a quick peek.
But the inside is empty, how can this be?
No tasty morsels, there’s nothing for me.
But deep in the back of the fridge I do see,
A note that my wife has written to me.
"My dear love,” she writes. "I know you can’t wait.
I have hidden the food so put down your plate.
"Your cholesterol concerns me and so does your heart,
So beginning Friday we’ll make a fresh start.
"No cookies or candy or soft drinks for you,
Just apples and oranges and vegetables, too.
"So during tomorrow you can eat all that you wish,
Just make sure to limit it to only one dish.
"We want you around for more years to come,
So we’ll go out walking when you come home.”
A tear forms in my eye as I take in her note,
Underneath this exterior I’m big as a boat.
So come Thursday I’ll be thankful for my life:
Low-fat butter, low-sodium salt, two girls and a wife.
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